How to Clean Your Fantasy Dildo

Fantasy dildoes are amazing sex toys that can help you explore your deepest desires and make your kinkiest fantasies a reality. While fantasy dildos are designed to be 100% safe to use, this depends on you making sure that your dildo is kept clean to prevent any health or hygiene risks. This is particularly important if you share your dildo with your partner or anyone else. Fortunately, keeping a fantasy dildo clean is very straightforward as long as you are diligent and follow the right steps. 

cleaning your fantasy dildo

To help ensure your favourite sex toy is spic and span, here is our useful guide to how to clean your fantasy dildo.

1. Rinse and Wipe Your Fantasy Dildo

The first and easiest thing to do both before and after using your fantasy dildo is to rinse it with hot clean water and wipe down the surface with an antibacterial soap. This will remove any lube or sexual fluids from the surface and kill off the majority of any bacteria present.

2. Use a Clean Toothbrush for Crevices

One thing that makes fantasy dildos so pleasurable is their uniquely textured surfaces with scales and different bumps and lumps. The best way to get into all the nooks and crannies is with a clean soft toothbrush and antibacterial soap. This will allow you to scrub all those places where liquids and grime clump and kill any bacteria that is forming there. Again, it is worth doing this every time you use your fantasy dildo.

3. Disinfect Your Fantasy Dildo

You should also disinfect and sterilise your fantasy dildo on a regular basis. You don’t need to do it every time but once a week will ensure that all bacteria is killed off. Our fantasy dildos are made from 100% medical grade silicone which means they are easily sterilised either by boiling your toys in hot water or putting them in the dishwasher.

4. Store Your Fantasy Dildo to Keep It Clean

There is no point cleaning your fantasy dildo if you are then just going to throw it in the back of a drawer to collect dust and grime. Between uses, you should always store your fantasy dildo correctly to keep it clean and safe for the next time you are feeling horny. Purchase a pouch or case that you use exclusively for storing your dildo. Not only will this keep it clean, but it will also make it easier to find so you are not scrambling around under your bed every time you want an orgasm.

Cleaning your fantasy dildo is very important because the surface of sex toys can quickly accumulate bacteria, yeast and other unpleasant things that you don’t want to introduce into your body. Fantasy dildoes can also potentially transfer sexually transmitted infections if you are sharing your toy. However, as long as you make sure to follow this cleaning guide every time you use your fantasy dildo, you can pleasure yourself and your partners with full peace of mind.